Tag: Black-eyed peas

Black-Eyed Peas With Coconut Milk and Ethiopian Spices

Black-Eyed Peas With Coconut Milk and Ethiopian Spices

He was orphaned during the Ethiopian Civil War of the 1970s. Adopted by a Swedish family, he grew up in Gothenburg, Sweden, where he credits his grandmother, Helga, for his love of cooking. Trained in the culinary arts in Sweden, Austria, France and Switzerland, he…

Black-Eyed (Cow) Pea Salad for the New Year!

  OK everyone. All together now. Say cowpeas. That’s what black-eyed peas are. They are a type of cowpeas, “one of the most ancient crops known to man” according to Purdue’s horticultural Jefferson Institute, and the real shocker is that they aren’t really peas at all.…