
‘Tis The Season : Maple Baked Beans

‘Tis The Season : Maple Baked Beans

  In this season of everything pumpkin and maple, what better treat than Maple Baked Beans? Maple syrup is, after all, good in just about everything and the contrast of sweet and savory flavors in baked beans never gets old. If you’ve been wondering about…

Woo-hoo! Blue Cayenne is Four.

Woo-hoo! Blue Cayenne is Four.

Cue the music. Wild celebration here. Juliet is salsa dancing down the hall and I’m wearing a silly party hat. This month marks Blue Cayenne’s fourth birthday. Here we are writing our 315th blog post. Who knew?     Thank you for reading this blog…

The Best Things In Life Are…Well …Simple: James Beard’s Macaroni and Cheese

The Best Things In Life Are…Well …Simple: James Beard’s Macaroni and Cheese

  “Our life is frittered away by detail… simplify, simplify.” Henry David Thoreau     This very simple James Beard recipe for macaroni and cheese caught my eye on a day when I was craving the quintessential American dish. Sometimes a simple recipe reminds us…

Soup Weather: Spicy Fresh Corn and Coconut Soup

Soup Weather: Spicy Fresh Corn and Coconut Soup

Fall. Crisp, cool mornings. Pungent loamy soils and bursts of intense garden color. Juliet lifting her tiny nose to savor the new chill in the air. Soup weather. Finally. Spicy Fresh Corn and Coconut Soup Save Recipe Print Recipe My Recipes My Lists My Calendar…

Exquisite Palate? Balsamic Strawberry Ice Cream

Exquisite Palate? Balsamic Strawberry Ice Cream

With the advent of fall, those fresh, plump, sweet strawberries that graced market displays mid-summer are hard to come by. So, if you haven’t already gotten your strawberry fix for the year, here is an idea: Roast your strawberries. The roasting deepens the flavor of…

You CAN Win Friends With Salad: Two Vinaigrettes

You CAN Win Friends With Salad: Two Vinaigrettes

The Simpsons were wrong. You CAN win friends with salad…at least with one dressed with a fantastic vinaigrette. (The Simpsons: “You Don’t Win Friends With Salad.”) Today you get two excellent vinaigrette recipes. The vinaigrette on the left is a fresh fig vinaigrette. The one…

You Can Never Have Too Much Gazpacho

You Can Never Have Too Much Gazpacho

De gazpacho no hay empacho. It’s a Spanish idiom. You can never have too much gazpacho. Or, translated for meaning, you can never have too much of a good thing. So, in that spirit, here is a very good gazpacho recipe. Pretty, too.   Gazpacho…

Vanilla Cake With Peaches and Fennel Seeds

Vanilla Cake With Peaches and Fennel Seeds

This elegant little vanilla cake is a keeper. It is good enough to serve guests and a delicious self-indulgence when you raid the kitchen at midnight. I’m always drawn to a recipe that makes interesting use of an ingredient that is unusual in its genre.…

Tomato Galette With Honeyed Goat Cheese, Caramelized Shallots and Fresh Thyme

Tomato Galette With Honeyed Goat Cheese, Caramelized Shallots and Fresh Thyme

Summer tomatoes. **sigh** While we still have some late summer tomatoes in our gardens and stores, here is a beautiful galette that showcases their beauty. It is especially beautiful made with some of those big multi-colored heirloom tomatoes.   Tomato Galette Save Recipe Print Recipe…

Blue Cayenne’s First “Juliet”: Almond-Apricot Cake With Creme Fraiche

Blue Cayenne’s First “Juliet”: Almond-Apricot Cake With Creme Fraiche

  There are all kinds of food awards around…Michelin Stars, the Bocuse d’Or, and on and on. Here at Blue Cayenne we think we need an award for particularly wonderful recipes, too. So, we’re introducing The Juliet, named, of course, after our beloved Chief Taster…