
Cookies For Breakfast? Make Them Rum-Raisin-Oatmeal Cookies

Cookies For Breakfast? Make Them Rum-Raisin-Oatmeal Cookies

I gifted a few of these Rum-Raisin-Oatmeal Cookies to my neighbors. My neighbor confessed that her husband ate two of the cookies after breakfast as a “breakfast dessert.”  No harm in that. Right? The cookies are oatmeal cookies, after all, and oatmeal is a respectable…

Oldies But Goodies: Pasta Alla Vecchia Betolla

Oldies But Goodies: Pasta Alla Vecchia Betolla

Every month, Blue Cayenne features one post from our archive of more than 350 recipes. Here is a Pasta Alla Vecchia Bettola recipe you won’t want to miss…again. Want to dive deeper into our recipe archive?  Just click one of the categories at the top…

Eat Your (Delicious) Greens: Chard With Tomatoes and Green Olives

Eat Your (Delicious) Greens: Chard With Tomatoes and Green Olives

I’ve got a problem with dark green leafy vegetables. (There. I said it.) I can “do” spinach. But…just mention the word kale and I…er… turn green. Collard greens? Don’t even go there. Ever. Chard, however, has always been a leafy green vegetable that straddles the…

Be Our Belated Valentine With This Lemon Cake

Be Our Belated Valentine With This Lemon Cake

          Here is a belated valentine from Blue Cayenne’s Chief Quality Officer, Juliet, and a delightfully-simple Lemon Cake recipe you should consider adding to your repertoire. (Forgive the lateness of our good wishes. Blue Cayenne’s editorial staff–that would be me–was laid…

Potato Cheddar Soup–How Do I Love Thee?

Potato Cheddar Soup–How Do I Love Thee?

Ahhh, potatoes!  Let me count the ways.   Today’s potato is the upmarket Yukon Gold.     The history of these potatoes is interesting. Yukon Gold potatoes have only been available commercially since 1980. Developed at Canada’s University of Guelph by legendary potato breeder Gary…

A Marriage Made In Heaven: Polenta Lasagna

A Marriage Made In Heaven: Polenta Lasagna

So…if polenta and lasagna had a baby… …it would be this glorious polenta lasagna. (Or, is it lasagna polenta?) What’s not to love here? There is gooey mozzarella, creamy ricotta, piquant marinara and the delightful texture (and flavor) of Parmesan-infused buttery polenta. Did I mention…

Portobello Mushroom Steaks And Butter Bean Mash

Portobello Mushroom Steaks And Butter Bean Mash

Portobellos are gourmet mushrooms. Right? Actually…no. Portobellos are poseurs. They are just your common Agaricus bisporus (button) mushroom with good PR. Who knew? It turns out that until the 1980s,  those big beefy mushrooms we now call portobellos were the overly-mature culls that more often…

Pronounce Them Delicious: Cranberry Orange Scones

Pronounce Them Delicious: Cranberry Orange Scones

  I still haven’t figured out whether it’s scone (rhymes with phone) or scone (rhymes with dawn). (Heck! As far as elocution goes, I’m still trying to learn how to pronounce Kamala. But I digress…) So, I found this delightful clip from a popular British/Irish…

No Kidding! Hummus With Chipotle Chile, Black Beans and Tomato Salsa

No Kidding! Hummus With Chipotle Chile, Black Beans and Tomato Salsa

Stop me if you’ve heard this one:  Hummus With Chipotle Chile, Black Beans and Tomato Salsa. Pretty funny. Right?  As it turns out, this international mix-up makes for a pretty wonderful appetizer. The smooth and flat-flavored hummus contrasts beautifully against the fiery black bean spread.…

Breaking Up With Instacart and Chilled Avocado Soup With Crispy Garlic Oil

Breaking Up With Instacart and Chilled Avocado Soup With Crispy Garlic Oil

Oh Instacart! It’s not you, it’s me.  Well…actually…it’s you. How did we lose that beautiful thing that  we had? We’ve been so close since March. Whatever I’ve needed, you were there. Wine? You’ve always given my glass a generous pour. Ripe tomatoes? You’ve searched for them…