
It’s What’s For Breakfast: Strawberry Vanilla Snacking Cake

It’s What’s For Breakfast: Strawberry Vanilla Snacking Cake

    OK.  So I had cake for breakfast. Strawberry Snacking Cake, actually. My customary breakfast of oatmeal and flax seeds was getting old. And…why shouldn’t I have cake for breakfast? Aren’t muffins cake?  (I rest my case.)   In any event, I’ve always subscribed to…

Oldies But Goodies: Eggplant Gratin In Parmesan Custard

Oldies But Goodies: Eggplant Gratin In Parmesan Custard

Every month Blue Cayenne features one post from our archive of more than 350 recipes. Here is an Eggplant Gratin in Parmesan Custard recipe. You don’t want to miss this great recipe…again. Want to dive deeper into our recipe archive?  Just click one of the…

Who’d a thunk It? Tahini  Banana Bread

Who’d a thunk It? Tahini Banana Bread

OK. OK. It’s another damn Banana Bread recipe.  In my defense, this is a Banana Bread recipe with a new twist: tahini. No. Really. Tahini? In Banana Bread?  Wow! Who’d a thunk it?  Tahini is a paste made from toasted ground hulled sesame seeds. You’ve…

Fried Royal Corona Bean Salad With Pearl Barley And Chili-Herb Yogurt

Fried Royal Corona Bean Salad With Pearl Barley And Chili-Herb Yogurt

What is the world’s largest edible bean?   Look that question up on the Internet and you are in for a trip down the rabbit hole.  There is a Guinness record for the World’s Tallest Bean plant. (46.3 feet/2003.) There is a record for “The…

Mango Slaw

Mango Slaw

Koolsla? Koolsla is Dutch for what most Americans call coleslaw–cabbage salad. Dutch settlers in New York introduced koolsla to the American table in the 17th and 18th centuries.  This Mango Slaw recipe, with its sweet lime dressing, is a delight. It works with barbecue or as…

Feed Your Inner Emperor: Warm Asparagus Salad With Walnuts and (Slightly) Jammy Eggs

Feed Your Inner Emperor: Warm Asparagus Salad With Walnuts and (Slightly) Jammy Eggs

    Here’s a little history… People have been enjoying asparagus for a very long time. Archaeologists excavated evidence of 3000-year-old asparagus on pottery at the Pyramid of Sakkara in Egypt. Apparently, Nefertiti loved the stuff and had the little stalks offered up to the…

Black-Eyed Peas With Coconut Milk and Ethiopian Spices

Black-Eyed Peas With Coconut Milk and Ethiopian Spices

He was orphaned during the Ethiopian Civil War of the 1970s. Adopted by a Swedish family, he grew up in Gothenburg, Sweden, where he credits his grandmother, Helga, for his love of cooking. Trained in the culinary arts in Sweden, Austria, France and Switzerland, he…

Oldies But Goodies: Tomato Galette With Honeyed Goat Cheese, Caramelized Shallots and Fresh Thyme

Oldies But Goodies: Tomato Galette With Honeyed Goat Cheese, Caramelized Shallots and Fresh Thyme

Every month Blue Cayenne features one post from our archive of more than 350 recipes. Here is a Tomato Galette With Honeyed Goat Cheese, Caramelized Shallots and Fresh Thyme recipe you won’t want to miss…again. Want to dive deeper into our recipe archive?  Just click…

More Cookies:  Peanut Butter-Miso Cookies

More Cookies: Peanut Butter-Miso Cookies

In the world of binges, a cookie binge isn’t such a bad thing.  So…here is another cookie recipe close on the heels of the oatmeal cookie recipe (here) posted a couple of weeks ago. That oatmeal cookie comes together with a mix of  traditional ingredients.…

Nan-E Barbari: Persian Flatbread

Nan-E Barbari: Persian Flatbread

Want to diversify your homemade bread baking game? This Persian flat bread is just the ticket. It’s called Nan-e Barbari and it is delicious. This recipe is adapted from one that is regularly featured at The Hot Bread Kitchen in East Harlem in New York…