
Memories of the Adriatic: Lemony Stuffed Peppers

Memories of the Adriatic: Lemony Stuffed Peppers

I enjoy stuffed peppers.  While I never had them in my childhood, as an adult I was fortunate to travel to Dubrovnik in the then Yugoslavia where stuffed peppers and stuffed tomatoes were regularly on the menu. Loved them then.  Not too much worked in…

Green Pea Soup (Indian Style)

Green Pea Soup (Indian Style)

Two of my good friends just married and I made this soup for them and for some of our friends who gathered to celebrate their marriage. The soup was very well received and my friends urged me to post the recipe here. So, here goes. …

Hot Weather Food: Spicy Corn and Chile Salad

Hot Weather Food: Spicy Corn and Chile Salad

We’re under an extreme heat “dome” here in SoCal.  An hour ago Alexa told me the temperature was 104 degrees F. Just now, with a little more cloud cover, Alexa says it is 84 degrees F. Is that kind of precipitous temperature drop even possible?…

Noodles with Eggplant and Mango Salad

Noodles with Eggplant and Mango Salad

“A well-made salad must have a certain uniformity; it should make perfect sense for those ingredients to share a bowl.”                                                  …

Oldies But Goodies: Chermoula Eggplant With Bulgur and Yogurt

Oldies But Goodies: Chermoula Eggplant With Bulgur and Yogurt

Every month Blue Cayenne features recipes from our archive of more than four hundred recipes. These recipes are our “Oldies But Goodies.” Today’s Oldie But Goodie recipe is for a tasty main dish, Chermoula Eggplant With Bulgur and Yogurt.   You will find a link…

French Breakfast Radishes and My Good Friend Joyce

French Breakfast Radishes and My Good Friend Joyce

Joyce. She’s smart, kind, talented, elegant–all the things I want to be if I ever grow up. Joyce and I used to work together. Serendipitously, her daughter was a student in one of my classes: Smart. Kind. Talented. Elegant. (It runs in the family.) Now,…

Asparagus in Puff Pastry

Asparagus in Puff Pastry

Need an easy but impressive dish for the end of the month? This Asparagus in Puff Pastry just might fit the bill. Don’t be put off by the puff pastry ingredient. There is no need to make your own. You’ll find puff pastry in the…

Where Have All The Smorgasbords Gone? Buttermilk-Molasses Quick Bread

Where Have All The Smorgasbords Gone? Buttermilk-Molasses Quick Bread

What ever happened to those wonderful Swedish smorgasbord restaurants?  They were having a moment when I was a younger cook. I remember the beautiful buffets of delicious delicacies. I still crave the savory breads. So it was with great anticipation and a good bit of…

Oldies But Goodies…Midsummer Pasta With Corn, Zucchini and Tomatoes

Oldies But Goodies…Midsummer Pasta With Corn, Zucchini and Tomatoes

Every month Blue Cayenne features recipes from our archive of more than four hundred recipes. These recipes are our “Oldies But Goodies.”  You will find a link to a recipe for Midsummer Pasta With Corn, Zucchini and Tomatoes here. You don’t want to miss this great…

Mediterranean Spinach Salad With Dates and Almonds

Mediterranean Spinach Salad With Dates and Almonds

I’m a salad person through and through. I have six cookbooks on my bookshelves that are dedicated entirely to salads. I have a new one on order. When I buy a new cookbook, one of the first sections I check out is the salad section.…