
Meditating on Cinnamon Raisin Swirl Bread

Meditating on Cinnamon Raisin Swirl Bread

Homemade bread. It’s having a renaissance if you haven’t noticed. You have only to look at the nearly-empty flour shelves in your local grocery store to know that people are baking. Bread flour isn’t the only baking ingredient in short supply; don’t even think about…

WOW!  Chinese Stir-Fried Tomatoes and Eggs

WOW! Chinese Stir-Fried Tomatoes and Eggs

  For a foodie like me, one of the great joys in life is finding an exceptional recipe. Bonus points if the recipe is spot on in recreating a fond food memory. You know that kind of recipe, I’m sure. You make it. You taste…

Eggplant, Tomato and Chickpea Bake: Musaqa’a

Eggplant, Tomato and Chickpea Bake: Musaqa’a

Musaqa’a. Musaqa’a is a Palestinian eggplant, chickpea and tomato bake with inspired spicing–somewhat reminiscent of Greek moussaka. The recipe I’m using here is adapted from Chef Sami Tamimi’s and Irish food writer Tara Wigley’s new cookbook, Falastin. The recipes are Tamimi’s and the writing is…

Party Like It’s 1999! Cheddar and Scallion Dip

Party Like It’s 1999! Cheddar and Scallion Dip

Time to party—in a socially distanced kind of way. Whether you are Zoom partying, front yard partying or just partying with the faithful family dog (as I am with Sweet Juliet), this Cheddar and Scallion Dip is very very good party food. It also works…

Pasta Salad With Feta and Herbs

Pasta Salad With Feta and Herbs

When I was twenty-two and had my own kitchen for the first time, I knew absolutely nothing about cooking. Nothing. So…I bought my first cookbook–a used copy of the 1963 edition of The New Good Housekeeping Cookbook. The book’s provenance is interesting. The name Sugar Bardy…

A Promethean Fennel Gratin

A Promethean Fennel Gratin

  Cooks should have a whole lot of respect for fennel.  According to Greek mythology, Prometheus used a large stalk of fennel to carry fire from Mount Olympus to earth. But, alas, while fennel is a popular ingredient in Italian and Indian cuisines, it is…

Anxiety Eating Antidote: Spicy Cauliflower and Potato Soup

Anxiety Eating Antidote: Spicy Cauliflower and Potato Soup

I bought a cauliflower recently with good intentions. I’ve been doing a little a lot of anxiety eating lately as I sit here in California in Covid19 lockdown. My scale tells me I need to up my nutrition game. I know cruciferous vegetables are super foods.…

Banana Cake With Peanuts (and Vinegar!)

Banana Cake With Peanuts (and Vinegar!)

  Eat your bananas! They’re healthy–fiber rich, low in calories, and high in potassium which helps regulate blood pressure.The animo acid tryptophan and vitamin B6 in bananas just might elevate your mood, too. Who doesn’t need that right now? This little cake pushes all the…

Peach Poundcake

Peach Poundcake

Ah, peaches! Peaches originated in China thousands of years ago. Persian traders, in turn, introduced the fruit to Europe and called it the “Persian Apple.” Explorers and colonists introduced them to the Americas. They are beloved just about everywhere. Don’t ask for one in Turkey,…

My “Hero”:  Frosty Lime Sherbet

My “Hero”: Frosty Lime Sherbet

There is something truly wonderful about photographing ice cream–or, in this case, sherbet. It melts. Oh, you know, there is the interminable fiddling around with the food styling. Gotta try a gazillion angles and backgrounds. White bowl? Green bowl? Mint sprig? This is a hard…