
Sweet and Sour Tofu With Corn

Sweet and Sour Tofu With Corn

  This Sweet and Sour Tofu With Corn is a wonderful Asian-inspired tofu recipe.  Preparation is pretty fast, too—perfect for a lazy end-of-summer meal. It’s beautiful, too.  Curious about tofu? Tofu was first produced in China more than 2000 years ago, probably as a happy…

Buttermilk Biscuits With Strawberries and Cream

Buttermilk Biscuits With Strawberries and Cream

Love biscuits? This crisp-tender sweet biscuit is a perfect base for those oh-so-wonderful end-of-the-season (have I used enough hyphens here?) strawberries in our farmer’s markets right now.   This recipe is from Stella Park’s extraordinary cookbook BraveTart. You can order this great cookbook through your local…

Oldies But Goodies: Buttermilk Molasses Quick Bread

Oldies But Goodies: Buttermilk Molasses Quick Bread

Every month Blue Cayenne features recipes from our archive of more than four hundred recipes. These recipes are our “Oldies But Goodies.” Today’s Oldie But Goodie recipe is for Buttermilk Molasses Quick Bread, a bread that would be just right as the base for some…

Honey Cake: It’s a Honey of A Cake and Juliet is a  Honey of a Pup

Honey Cake: It’s a Honey of A Cake and Juliet is a Honey of a Pup

If you read this blog, you’ve met our CQO-OT (Chief Quality Officer and Official Taster), Juliet, many times before. Juliet is a 7-pound rescue Yorkie who brightens everything about our world here at Blue Cayenne. Last week, King Arthur Baking’s Facebook page featured a post…

Blueberry Muffin Loaves

Blueberry Muffin Loaves

There are few things better than a warm blueberry muffin and a hot cup of tea in the early morning drowsiness of waking up.  This is a very good muffin. Actually, it is a small loaf, baked in my small loaf pan shown below.  My…

Tomato and Basil Fried Rice

Tomato and Basil Fried Rice

Love fried rice? I certainly do.  This fried rice recipe just might tickle your taste buds. The New York Times Food Section featured a recipe for Tomato and Basil Fried Rice by cookbook author Hetty McKinnon  this week. McKinnon is the author of a number…

A Very Fine Plum Cake

A Very Fine Plum Cake

This  Zoe Francois plum cake is absolutely wonderful. In the introduction to the recipe, she writes that this plum cake is her favorite cake in her cookbook, Zoe Bakes Cakes. (There are some outstanding cakes in that cookbook, by the way! So, that’s high praise…

It’s Plum Season!!!  Plum, Rum and Raisin Conserve

It’s Plum Season!!! Plum, Rum and Raisin Conserve

It’s plum season. How great is that? Plums are my favorite stone fruit.  This season I was fortunate to get a large bag of home-grown plums from my friend Karen. (Karen is also the adored dog walker for Blue Cayenne’s Chief Taster and Chief Quality…

A Culinary Walk Down Memory Lane: Wedge Salad

A Culinary Walk Down Memory Lane: Wedge Salad

Remember the 1970s with its  leisure suits, lava lamps, and platform shoes? (I saw a 60-something lady today at the local Sprouts Market teetering along in jeans and sky-high platform shoes! Whoa.) Foodwise, I remember those  wonderful wedge salads served with generous dollops of roquefort…

Zucchini Casserole Widmer

Zucchini Casserole Widmer

This is a recipe for Zucchini Casserole Widmer. Who in the heck was Widmer? I found this recipe deep in the pages of my recipe collection. I haven’t made it for years but I (rightfully!) remember it fondly. I transcribed it in my handwriting, so…