
Smashed and Seared Beets

Smashed and Seared Beets

John Keats wrote that “a thing of beauty is a joy forever.” So it is with this beautiful salad. The colors are intense. The flavors and textures are delightful. There is joy on your plate. But why do certain foods, like this beautiful salad, tempt…

Israeli Couscous, Eggplant and Tomato Gratin

Israeli Couscous, Eggplant and Tomato Gratin

It hasn’t worked for me with kale or spirulina, but I’m willing myself to love eggplant. As you know, if you have been reading this blog, eggplant and I have a fraught relationship–a bit like Donald and Melania. Eggplant recipes, especially ones that tout their…

Julia’s Provencale Tomato Sauce

Julia’s Provencale Tomato Sauce

  We have a lot of things to thank Julia Child for beyond the fact that she popularized French home cooking here in the U.S. She made cooking cool. She pioneered a cooking show genre that has exploded into the countless cooking shows that eat…

Artichokes: Grilled and Smothered and Delicious

Artichokes: Grilled and Smothered and Delicious

Anyone out there who doesn’t like artichokes? I don’t see any hands. I think artichokes are a bit like avocados. Even served simply without a whole lot of fuss, both vegetables generate a lot of buzz around the table. Carrots and celery certainly don’t get…

Of Eggplants, Falcons and Mt. Fuji: Chermoula Eggplant with Bulgur and Yogurt

Of Eggplants, Falcons and Mt. Fuji: Chermoula Eggplant with Bulgur and Yogurt

  Which “vegetable” is actually a berry, has the highest nicotine content among all vegetables, and is 95% water? (Hint: Chinese ladies once used the dye extracted from this vegetable’s skin to polish their teeth to a then-fashionable gray hue.) It’s the eggplant. Who knew? (Don’t…

Give Yourself A Hug: Broccoli Cheddar Soup

Give Yourself A Hug: Broccoli Cheddar Soup

For me, it’s Snickers bars, refried beans, candied corn, and vanilla ice cream. (No. I don’t eat them together.) We’re talking about comfort food today, or, as the dictionary defines it:  ” food that is enjoyable to eat and makes the eater feel better emotionally.”…

Sweet Dreams and Salad Days

Sweet Dreams and Salad Days

Yesterday I had the good fortune to get together with old friends. We ate a lot, laughed a lot and caught up on each other’s lives. Juliet got a lot of attention, too. It was a very good day all around. Today Juliet is sleeping…

Asian Zucchini Noodle Salad

Asian Zucchini Noodle Salad

Spiralizers. You’ve probably heard of them. Toaster-sized spiralizer appliances take boring old potatoes, beets and zucchini–you know, the vegetables that come to you in the elegant shapes that Mother Nature intended– and turn them into noodles. (Forgive my snark.) Nevertheless, I confess that I’m a…

Peanut Stew with Ginger and Tomato

Peanut Stew with Ginger and Tomato

This wonderful Julia Moskin recipe for Spicy Peanut Stew with Ginger and Tomato recently came across my desk and flooded my world with all kinds of happy memories. Talk about an endorphin rush! When my husband and I were traveling, we were fortunate to make…

Salad Days!  Summer Squash Carpaccio with Arugula

Salad Days! Summer Squash Carpaccio with Arugula

    With the weather heating up here in Southern California, these are salad days to be sure. A digression: If you’ve ever wondered about that expression, “salad days” has Shakespearean origins. In Antony and Cleopatra, a rueful Cleopatra laments her youthful inexperience and recklessness– “…my salad…