
Food “Moments” and Garlic Knots

Food “Moments” and Garlic Knots

  “The smell of good bread baking, like the sound of lightly flowing water, is indescribable in its evocation of innocence and delight.” —M.F.K. Fisher   There are some pretty special moments in one’s food life. A bowl of hot soup on a freezing winter’s…

Pull-Apart Sour Cream and Chive Rolls

Pull-Apart Sour Cream and Chive Rolls

Flaky.  Buttery.  Soft.  Trust me on this one. You need these rolls.  This recipe is adapted from the cookbook Dessert Person. The book is available from your local bookstore or from Amazon. 

Who’d a thunk It? Tahini  Banana Bread

Who’d a thunk It? Tahini Banana Bread

OK. OK. It’s another damn Banana Bread recipe.  In my defense, this is a Banana Bread recipe with a new twist: tahini. No. Really. Tahini? In Banana Bread?  Wow! Who’d a thunk it?  Tahini is a paste made from toasted ground hulled sesame seeds. You’ve…

Nan-E Barbari: Persian Flatbread

Nan-E Barbari: Persian Flatbread

Want to diversify your homemade bread baking game? This Persian flat bread is just the ticket. It’s called Nan-e Barbari and it is delicious. This recipe is adapted from one that is regularly featured at The Hot Bread Kitchen in East Harlem in New York…

Being Thankful for Hokkaido Milk Bread Rolls

Being Thankful for Hokkaido Milk Bread Rolls

Need some rolls for your Thanksgiving table? These Hokkaido Milk Bread Rolls are wonderful. The original recipe for these rolls comes from the King Arthur Baking site (here), although King Arthur Baking gives credit to Yvonne Chen, author of the cookbook 65 Degrees C. Bread…

Wow! Jalapeno Cheddar Bread

Wow! Jalapeno Cheddar Bread

Do you have an undiagnosed case of mageirocophobia?  That would be a fear related to some form of  cooking. If you do, you are not alone. People have all kinds of specific phobias about food and cooking. Apparently, there are people who are afraid of…

Meditating on Cinnamon Raisin Swirl Bread

Meditating on Cinnamon Raisin Swirl Bread

Homemade bread. It’s having a renaissance if you haven’t noticed. You have only to look at the nearly-empty flour shelves in your local grocery store to know that people are baking. Bread flour isn’t the only baking ingredient in short supply; don’t even think about…

Banana Bread–Juliet’s Plan B

Banana Bread–Juliet’s Plan B

  When life gives you lemons… No! Wait. I already used that line in the last post. Let’s start over. Here’s a better (and more gentle) lede: A hot cup of tea. A warm slice of banana bread. Golden sunshine streaming through the window and…

For the Love of Bread: Soft White Dinner Rolls

For the Love of Bread: Soft White Dinner Rolls

OK. I’ll admit it. I’m usually the first one to reach for the bread basket. Apparently, I’m in good company. Bread is the most widely consumed food in the world and maybe the oldest. Food historians believe that humans first baked flatbreads as long ago…

James Beard’s Persimmon Nut Bread

James Beard’s Persimmon Nut Bread

This Persimmon Nut Bread recipe comes from James Beard. Beard shaped American cooking for 40 years. He wrote two dozen cookbooks, wrote a weekly syndicated cooking column, operated an eponymous cooking school in Greenwich Village and lived an altogether colorful life. In 1990, Carl Jerome,…