

Back in the day, my husband and I were fortunate to travel frequently in Greece and Turkey. We always stayed at the same hotels, the modest Plaza Hotel just off Victoria Square in Athens with its  roof-top view of the Acropolis  and the magnificent old…

Pear and Frangipane Tart

Pear and Frangipane Tart

    This recipe represents a marriage between two fond food memories. Years ago, I attended a cooking school in downtown Seal Beach called La Bonne Cuisine. The lady who ran the school was a gifted cook, a dedicated foodie and a bit edgy. One…

Classic Cheesecake

I love cheesecake. For many years, I celebrated the end of a successful school year by sharing this cheesecake with my Advanced Placement European History students after they took their tests. I’ve taken it to my friends at my pups’ veterinary hospital. It has been…